Part 1:Upendra Chivukula – Assemblyman
Part 2: Lora Fong – Attorney
Part 3:Cochi Ho – Special Agent (FBI)
Part 4:Cindy Hsu – News Anchor
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Bethwood
38 Lackawanna Avenue, Totowa, New Jersey 07512
Weysun Dun
Special Agent in Charge, Newark, NJ
Reception ~ 6:00 p.m. Dinner ~ 7:00 p.m. Cash Bar Silent Auction
Proceeds from the Holiday Ball provide critical funding for the OCA-NJ Scholarship Programs.
We hope to provide the support and encouragement that our future leaders need to reach their
fullest potential. Thank you for supporting OCA-NJ’s endeavors.
Please print
Name(s) ______________________________________________________ Company _____________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_ _________________________________________
_____ No. of members / non members before October 31, 2009 ~ $85
_____ No. of members / non members after November 1, 2009 ~ $95
_____ Full table of 10 persons by October 31, 2009 ~ $850
_____ Full table of 10 persons after November 1, 2009~ $950
_____ No. of Young Adults up to age 30 ~ $ 40 or bring a friend at 2/$70
____No. of children – $35 (special child’s dinner)
_____ No. of vegetarian dinners
Amount enclosed $ ______________________ check no. _________________ I am not able to attend, please accept my donation of $ _____________
Please make check payable to: OCA-NJ Chapter and Mail to:
Virginia L. Ng, OCA –NJ Holiday Ball Dinner, 691 Wicklow Way, River Vale, NJ 07675
$100 per person if paid at the door
Tickets in excess of $75 per person are tax deductible
For More Information: or (201) 259-8028
Virginia L. Ng, OCA –NJ Holiday Ball Dinner, 691 Wicklow Way, River Vale, NJ 07675
AALDEF Asian American Vote in NJ 2008.PDF – Statistical information on how Asian Americans voted in 2008
OCA- Long Island OCA-New York OCA-New Jersey
OCA-Westchester & Hudson Valley
Come join OCA and FCC families for a day of fun – a great way to stay connected and meet other families in your area. All families welcome!
* located near the Carousel. Park in Area 3 and cross the road to Pavilion C
(look for red, white & blue balloons or OCA and FCC signs, which mark our area)
11:00am – 4:00 pm
(rain or shine – we have a covered pavilion)
BRING A DISH (with serving utensil) TO SHARE WITH 8 PEOPLE
All attendees are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for our local food pantry.
Please support this service project by bringing one item per person.
For Children: Clown will make a guest appearance from 12 noon – 3 pm (free face painting, too)
Please feel free to bring folding chairs, mahjong games, soccer balls, etc.
Questions: call Virginia Ng at (201) 259-8028 or E-mail MaryLou Berhang, Virginia Ng or Daniel Lewis atOCAFCCPICNIC@YAHOO.COM
EVENT IS FREE, BUT ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED – please E-mail OCAFCCPICNIC@YAHOO.COM with your name, number of adults and number of children under 3, 3-8, 9-12 and 12-16 years old by September 3rd, so we can plan for adequate food and supplies.
Please also indicate if you can help for one hour to make our picnic a success and include your phone number so we can contact you.
Take Route 4 west, exit at FOREST AVENUE (get in right lane after McDonalds to exit; the former Forum Diner will be on your left). Make right turn and travel FOREST AVENUE North. Drive 2 blocks, the entrance to Van Saun Park, especially the sign, that time of year is always obstructed by brush that grew all summer long. Look for a dead end street named Justin Court; the entrance to the park is immediately after. Enter Park, proceed to fork in road and bear LEFT. Park in Lot “3” which will be on to your left. You will be across the road from Pavilion “C”. Look for red, white and blue balloons or OCA and FCC signs.
Take 87/287 West to Garden State Parkway South, Exit 165 towards Oradell (going over Parkway, heading East). At Second light, make a right turn onto FOREST AVENUE. After 2 lights, make a left turn onto Spring Valley Road. Follow Spring Valley Road to Continental Ave, and make a right turn. Entrance for park will be on the right. Enter park and pass Carousel to Parking Lot “3”. You will be across the road from Pavilion “C”. Look for red, white and blue balloons or OCA and FCC signs.
** Warning: Please do not make a U turn ANYWHERE in the Van Saun Park area. Park Police have given out traffic tickets. **
On April 25, OCA New Jersey Chapter conducted a program which featured speakers from the Census Bureau. In accordance with OCA National’s Goals of the 2009-2010 year, OCA-NJ encourages all of its members and partners to make every effort to be part of the census activities. Both Arvind Swarmy and Jonathan Gromer, spoke about the accuracy of the census directly affecting our nation’s ability to ensure equal representation and equal access to important governmental resources for all Americans.
+ Census data directly affects how more than $300 billion per year in federal and state funding is allocated to communities for neighborhood improvements, public health, education, housing, transportation and much more.
+ Census data also affects where new businesses, nonprofit organizations and other governmental and non-governmental services are likely to set up shop.
+ The Census is used to apportion seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, redistrict state legislatures, and define school district assignment areas and other important functional areas of government.
+ Participation in the census is mandatory for any population group (regional or ethnic) to maximize the voice of its interests.___
At the end of the census presentation, we again realized how important it is for all APA ‘s to be counted. Since 1990, OCA has had a partnership with the Census Bureau. As a Census Information Center (CIC), OCA works with the Census Bureau to make census information and data available to underserved communities that may not have access to census data through other means of the data dissemination network. OCA also actively advocates community participation in the census through its local chapters.
A professional video production of Chinese Americans Voice Out Against Racial and Sexual Slurs on public Radio Stations in New York