Sunday, September 30, 2018 (9:30AM – 4:30PM)
PS124 ~ 40 Division Street in Chinatown, NYC.
Sponsored by Families with Children from China of Greater New York & OCAdvocates Long Island, New Jersey, New York, & Westchester/Hudson Valley Chapters
Our official online registration link:
There is a discounted price for students and for online registration. All walk-ins will be $50 per person. Lowest pricing through Saturday 9/15 (Now extended to 9/20).
Earlybird Ticket Prices until 9/15 (NOW EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 20th)
Adults: $20.
Students and Children: $10.
Price includes a provided lunch.
We will also need a number of full day volunteers- please email our Volunteer Coordinator, Virginia Ng @ to let us know you would be available. registration would be free for full day volunteers.
Questions? Contact